Forgoing Your Vacation Can Cost You Big Time. Here's Why


Here's a short quiz for you. Which costs more: going on vacation or keeping your nose to the grindstone year-round? "That's easy," you might say. "Taking time off is way too expensive. I'll just stick with making money, thank you very much."

If that's your answer, we understand why you feel that way. The American work ethic has given us the largest, strongest economy in human history. And the gravitational pull to limit or avoid getting away is compounded for those running businesses, whether it’s concern about delegating management tasks while you’re gone or simply the fact that workaholism has won the day.  

But any virtue like operating a profitable business can turn into a vice if pushed too far when it comes to nixing vacation time. To see what we mean, consider the following facts from VALÉRIA.

  • People who forgo vacations and holidays suffer in terms of productivity, as much as 80% according to some studies. You may be working harder, but you're not working smarter.

  • Skipping your vacation can give you a heart attack, according to Business Insider. For men, the odds increased by more than 30 percent. The news is even grimmer for women, who are eight times more likely to have a major coronary event when they fail to take time off.

  • No matter who you are, you need plenty of good, refreshing sleep to be at your best. To that end, you can always take time off just to catch up on your z’s.

These sobering facts put the real costs of the "all work and no play" philosophy into their proper perspective. So why do Americans fail to use their hard-earned vacation days (768 million unused days in 2018, according to a study done by the U.S. Travel Association, Oxford Economics, and Ipsos)? Here are the most common reasons:

  •  Fear of appearing non-essential. Many workers fear that their boss will look around while they're gone and say, "Wow, we're getting along just fine without so-and-so. Guess we don't need her after all.” In fact, a valuable employee who makes her absence known is likely to create just the opposite effect. The company, realizing how irreplaceable she is, may strive to keep her around for the long term.

  • Fear of falling behind. Workers worry that taking time off will make it impossible for them to stay on top of their duties, according to MarketWatch. As the above information indicates, however, taking time to recharge one's battery actually enhances productivity.

  • Fear of spending too much money. This concern is understandable, given that workers in the United States are suffering from prolonged wage stagnation. But studies show that almost any time off is beneficial, even if the vacationer sticks close to home. Parks, museums, art galleries, historic sites, and other wonderful venues are within easy reach of millions of Americans. The fees for enjoying these activities are minimal when compared to the opportunities for relaxation and enrichment they offer.

  • Fear of getting sick. Due to the recent coronavirus, many people are avoiding traveling. Some also worry hotels are less safe than cabins and vacation rentals. Rather than a stuffy hotel room, consider a rental.

As you can see, a vacation is far more than an expense. It's an investment in a better life for you and your loved ones. As with anything, of course, the key to enjoying your time off is proper preparation. Here's a checklist of things to do before packing your bags:

  •  Make a plan to completely disconnect from work. As ZenBusiness explains, you can’t really live in the moment if you’re worried about emails and projects.

  • Hire a trustworthy sitter for your pets (assuming you have any).

  • Suspend mail delivery or arrange to have a trusted confidant check your mailbox on a regular basis and hold any correspondence for your return.

  • Check and double-check reservations, plane schedules, etc., to ensure everything is in order.

  • If you plan to drive to your destination, then have your mechanic give your car a thorough inspection.

  • For the car, plane, or when you’re lounging in the sun, bring along some inspiring and educational recordings.

Taking a vacation is good for you, your employer, and your loved ones. So forget about work for a while and plan for the time of your life.

VALÉRIA is a space that focuses on all things creative, from beauty and lifestyle to holistic health. Read more informative posts today!


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